
Wish list for Mother’s Day

Create a wish list for Mother’s Day now and share it with friends and family

Wish list for Mother’s Day: Create an online wish list

Mum is to me like a superhero. She is there 365 days of the year for me - whether I’m laughing or crying, whether she’s cuddling or scolding me. She has more than earned Mother’s Day there. Yes, of course!

Bu how do I best show her that she is my heroine? Sure, she’ll definitely be happy about a fight she has made herself. But actually mum knows best on how she wanted to be treated. So I just ask her what she wants. She can even write them down on an online wish list. All completely free, a great thing! So mum can share what her heart desires with whomever she wants. And "whoosh!" If everyone is busy giving gifts, it is guaranteed to be a worthy Mother’s Day!

Dad and the kids found out exactly what they can do for you. Nevertheless, it remains an exciting surprise for you who fulfills which secret wish. The Frida online wish list works free of charge and without registration. So your Mother’s Day will be a little different this time, but also especially beautiful.
