
Christmas wish list

Create a wish list for christmas and share it with friends and family

Christmas wish list: create an online wish list

"Just don’t stress" A quiet and happy time is at the top of the wish list before Christmas. But mos of the time things tun out to be very different: Quickly get gifts at the last minute and oh yes, the tree would also have to be set up and decorated...

Really: I can only shake my head! But pssst: There is another way that even Santa Claus can only be amazed! Simply fill out an online wish list and share it with everyone you really love, So your loved ones don’t have to think twice. And you only get nice gifts and you don’t have to worry about exchanging them.

The best thing is: the more people from your family and your friends participate, the more relaxed you will be.

If someone asks you what you want for Christmas, just send them your online wish list. Ski gloves, sledges or sports watch? Diving googles, fins or earrings? This time there are definitely the correct gifts for you and nothing will be doubled.

It’s great if your friends and your family would also use Frida this year for free and without registration. Frida eases the stress of giving gifts before Christmas and still brings much Christmas joy and magical surprises under the tree. And also, this year we will guarantee without a gift marathon just at the last minute before Christmas Eve and having to go on an exchange spree after the holidays!

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[ Christmas gift ideas ]